Extending Our Happily Ever After

"We do! Now let's live healthy and fit!"

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Day 10 – 100 Day Challenge

Today was a great day for being on plan!

Food on track, the only thing I didn’t do was exercise.

Normal day food wise, won’t post it, I ate, so look to previous posts on what I ate, basically, two green yogurts, green tea every meal, lemon water in morning, two fruits, veg and lean protein and egg white scramble with veg for dinner.

Other news, my son made prelim for National Honor Society based on grades, now we wait to see what the next step is… he’s a Jr in High School… yay!

Bad news… husband’s job is on the exit path. They were notified today that the plant will close on October 1st. Sooooo, we will be going through that big change. At least we have notice. He wasn’t super happy with his position, mainly because he’s getting older and it’s really a physical job and it’s a night shift, so we will look at this change as an opportunity for him to find something that will better suit him at his age (he’s not getting any younger) and also get him to a day shift. It’s scary when you read how detrimental it is to your health when you work the 3rd shift and we have been improving our health, so this will be a good thing! THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS! We will prevail!

Also, my Avon shipment came in, but I was missing a box. This has never happened before, so I can only hope that it shows up tomorrow, or I’ll have some disappointed customers, plus, I’ll have to deal with the shipment company and figure out how they will take care of it. Hope it shows up! Yes, I’m an Avon representative, as well as an Azuli Skye representative! LOL Always trying to make some money to help out the finances here at home…. Neither are huge money makers, as I just do it on the side… I really should invest more time in both ventures. I do enjoy them, just spend more time in my day job and then I’m focused on my exercising and home life and just don’t put the time in and I really need to (that’s how it works and I know that… oh well!)

Well, I left this blogging too late, I was trying to finish out my Season 1 of Grimm, as it’s due back at the Library! LOL I’ve been enjoying the show alot.

Well, off to bed now. It’s another cold night and I hope to stay warm under the covers!