Extending Our Happily Ever After

"We do! Now let's live healthy and fit!"

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Getting back to exercise!

I have been maintaining, thank God! But, I haven’t been losing. It’s been all me, though… not keeping up with the diet, not keeping up with the exercise. Fall is the busiest time of the year for me. Chris is back in school and all the running around and then I did get sick and with me that’s usually (and it was) a respiratory thing, so the breathing is usually an issue… but I’m starting to feel better, so I’m back to feeling like I need to reunite with Leslie Sansone and make her a habit in my life again!

I still get the daily compliments at work (God bless them!) which is so nice to hear! My girlfriend, the one who placed second to me last year in the Turkey Buster challenge, a work weightloss competition, suggested we get that going again… so I emailed our health and safety committee and suggested they start that up, so hopefully they will and that friendly competition will be exactly what I need to really get me going again! Nothing like going at it head to head again to get me to lose 20 lbs or so! I am only 50-60 lbs from my goal, so that would be excellant!

All the stuff with my hip replacement and the car accident finally hit here financially for me, too, so I’ve been under some stress and decided to take on a 3rd job (in addition to my day job of working at UPS and my 2nd job of selling Avon). I started selling Azuli Skye jewelry. It’s another independent situation similar to Avon, where I’m my own boss (I love those type of jobs) and as I have a huge passion for jewelry, it’s a good fit so far. I get free jewelry, in addition to the money to help out with the bills, and all for just showing off the jewelry, which is awesome and going to parties! That’s not a bad gig… so, it’s doing well, so far and I’m able to start paying off the bills, which is lessening the stress for me, which is always a good thing!

So, needless to say, I’ve been busy, not just sitting on my butt not doing anything, which is probably why I’m not gaining weight, yay! But, I can’t wait to get back to losing and doing the 4-5 days a week of walking with Leslie… I felt so much toner then, and I need that now!

How is everyone else doing?