Extending Our Happily Ever After

"We do! Now let's live healthy and fit!"


Red Rock Canyon and Hoover Dam!

Up ridiculously early to go hiking!  When the weather gets to temps of about 110 degrees in the desert, you start thinking that you must get up around 5 am to do any sort of physical exercise… and that’s what Christopher and I did… however, that doesn’t mean that we were quite awake and thinking like we normally do… it was VERY early and we weren’t quite ourselves at that time of morning… however, we woke up fairly quickly.  We met Samia at a gas station near Red Rock Casino and parked her car at the Casino, then we drove up to the Canyon.  We had scoped out a trail, but then found another that sounded like fun… and started that one.  We chose Calico Tanks.  We had hoped we’d see water.
Calico Tanks was 2.5 miles and was listed as Moderate for the type of trail it was… and promised a great view of Las Vegas.  The one we were going to do was 3.3 miles…
Well, after our hike, we were SO glad we went on the 2.5 mile one, because by the time we finished, #1, it was SOOO HOT!  #2, we were out of water! #3 MODERATE was something we had to reconsider, there were parts to this trail that we were able to do, however, we needed each other for support and if we’d known, we’d have carried less… I’d not have brought my Canon camera, I’d have brought my fanny pack to carry things, so both of my hands were free, etc…
However, we TRULY had a great time!  We were just EXHAUSTED! LOL

Said goodbye to Samia, what a great time we had with her!  Headed back to the RV to pick up Ivan… fix some sandwiches and grab drinks and then head out to Hoover Dam.  Very impressive!  Sad about the water levels, but cool to see the dam!  Also the new bridge, the Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, across from the dam as well… which we walked across both structures, in the heat… it was a great day for exercise!






We called it a day when we returned to the RV and just relaxed… the following day would be our “Tour Vegas” day!